B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama buatlah cerita report teks bahasa Inggris kelas 9 !


buatlah cerita report teks bahasa Inggris kelas 9 !


I have a cat named Selen.

He looks handsome with his gray and white fur.

He has big and fat body.

He likes to play and hug me.

He is very spoiled and cute.


Report text terdiri dari:

1.General statement/ pernyataan umum atau yg menggambarkan sesuatu secara umum (I have a cat named Selen)

2.Descriptions atau menggambarkan sesuatu dengan lebih spesifik (He looks handsome with his gray and white fur. He has big and fat body. He likes to play and hug me. He is very spoiled and cute)
