Matematika Sekolah Menengah Pertama Diketahui tinggi tabung 12 cm dan jari- jari tabung 14 cm hitunglah luas permuakaan tabung tanpa tutup jacquessengerulv – March 21, 2023
Alat musik yang tidak memiliki nada disebut alat musik … * a. melodis b. ritmis c. nasyid d. instrumen jacquessengerulv – March 16, 2023
Suhu dalam sebuah ruangan awalnya adalah 18°c,kemudian suhu meningkat 5°c pada siang hari,suhu turun 7°c pada malam hari.saat ini suhu dalam ruangan tersebut menjadi.... jacquessengerulv – March 13, 2023
B. Indonesia Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1. novel serius yaitu novel yang berisi tema-tema yang jarang dibahas dalam novel-novel. Novel serius mengajak pembaca untuk menafsirkan dengan bekal intelektualnya.SEBABNovel serius tidak memuat nilai-nilai kehidupan sehingga tidak menarik pembaca2. Ulasan merupakan tulisan yang menjelaskan kelebihan dan kekurangan sebuah karya.SEBABUlasan buku merupakan tulisan yang menjelaskan kelebihan dan kekurangan sebuah buku.A. jika pernyataan betul alasan betul dan mempunyai hubungan sebab akibatB. jika pernyataan betul alasan betul tetapi tidak mempunyai hubungan sebab akibatC. jika pernyataan betul alasan salahD. jika pernyataan salah alasan betulE. jika baik pernyataan dan alasan semua salah jacquessengerulv – March 10, 2023
Matematika Sekolah Menengah Atas tentukan persamaan kuadrat dari -2x²+3x=5 jacquessengerulv – March 09, 2023
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Pertama setiap malam jumat, fulan selalu ke luar rumah dengan membawa bunga dan makanan untuk diletakkan dibawah pohon besar dekat makam. fulan yakin kalau sampai lupa tidak melakukannya akan terjadi marabahaya.pernyataan tersebut sikap yang memiliki keyakinana. fatalismeb. dinamismec. animismed. ateismeplis bantu besok dikumpul !!! jacquessengerulv – March 09, 2023
Ekonomi Sekolah Menengah Atas bagaimana menulis jurnal umum dibuku besar.? a. mengurutkan menurut akun terkecil semisal kas lalu disambung peralatan dst tanpa mengurutkan tanggal. b. mengurutkan menurut tanggal catatan akun semisal akun tanggal 1 lalu akun tanggal 2 tanpa melihat urutan akun dari yang terkecil. c. mengurutkan menurut akun terkecil yang diurutkan sesuai tanggal semisal kas tanggal 1, lalu kas tanggal 2 lalu stelah selesai kas.. dilanjut akun jenis lainnya seperti peralatan tanggal 3 lalu peralatan tanggal 4, dst. mohon dijawab ya, masih bingung saya cara menuliskan, penjelasan guru kurang lengkap. jacquessengerulv – March 08, 2023
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Atas Jelaskan mengapa pengetahuan mengenai daya serap anak begitu penting dalam pelaksanaan evaluasi! jacquessengerulv – March 07, 2023
Seni Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1. carilah artikel(tulisan) dari koran, majalah atau internet, yang menceritakan tentang upaya membina persatuan dan kesatuan dalam masyarakat indonesia! jacquessengerulv – March 07, 2023
Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Pertama 1. apa yang dimaksud dengan sistematika resensi menurut kamus besar bahasa indonesia? jacquessengerulv – March 06, 2023
Bahasa lain Sekolah Menengah Pertama pada zaman dahulu, tari piring di pentaskan pada saat panen sebagai ungkapan rasa....Bantu jawab ya jacquessengerulv – March 06, 2023
B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas ROBIN HOOD THE PRINCE OF THIEVESLong time ago, England was ruled by a greedy King. He ordered the Sheriff, to tax the people so heavily that some were forced to become outlaws. Two of the most famous outlaws were Robin Hood and his friend, Little John. They would steal the tax money from sheriff and give it back to the poor.One day, the king was traveling. He was so busy counting his gold . He didn’t notice that he was passing through the Sherwood Forest, the home of Robin Hood. Nor did he see two pairs of eyesthat watching him from the tree.“Look at those gold, Little John! Let’s pay the King a little visit, shall we?” Robin said.Inside the coach, the King was singing happily.“Golden Golden, I love things made of Gold… from top of my crown ‘till the tip of my toes”Robin hood were standing by the road-side as he disguised himself as a fortune teller. The King saw him and got interested. Therefore he asked ‘the lady’ to tell him about his fortune.“Ooh~ A long life with lots and lots of gold. Such a wonderful future” Robin said.“Of course! Gold is the most beautiful thing in the world” The King said excitedly. He didn’t realize that Little John is taking his gold.And so, the two manage to get all of the gold without getting caught.Meanwhile, in the village, the Sheriff was busy collecting taxes.“I must have more taxes! Hand over those gold!” the Sheriff said.“No! please don’t! We need these gold!” a girl said.“This is the king’s order! You don’t want to get arrested, do you?” the Sheriff said.“Hu huhu… No… But… uh-!” in the end, The Sheriff took the gold by force.Not long after The Sheriff left, Robin came.“What’s wrong little girl? Why are you crying?” Robin asked.“The Sheriff… He took all of our golds.” The girl said.“Oo De Lally~! you don’t have to worry then, little girl. Here, I have a lot more for you” Robin said.“this one for you, this one for you, this one for you, and this one, woops, I think I just ran out of gold. Well then, for you my lady, what about a rose?”In the end, everyone’s happy.Later then, Little John told Robin Hood that the King was having an archery tournament by tomorrow. And he promised a great prize for the winner. Hearing this, Robin Hood decided to join in. The next day, the tournament was held. It was actually not an ordinary tournament. The King was planning on capturing Robin Hood because he knew that Robin hood was good at archery.But, Robin Hood was smart. He came with another disguise so no one notice that he was Robin Hood. The tournament then soon began.Most of the contestant had failed. And now, there’s only 2 people with one of them was Robin Hood. The first contestant shot. but it didn’t hit the target. And now, it’s Robin’s turn. He takes a deep breath before then he shot. It hits the bullseye! The crowds went hype.And that is when, the Sheriff realize. “Get that man! He is Robin Hood!” he shouted. But it was all too late, because Robin Hood had successfully escaped. Unknown to the Sheriff and the king, their gold had being taken once again. After all, the tournament was only a distractionQUESTIONS1.The characters (tokoh-tokoh) 2.The problem faced by the main character (Masalah yg dihadapi tokoh utama)3.The Resolution (Resolusi) 4.The moral value (Pesan moral) jacquessengerulv – March 05, 2023
B. Arab Sekolah Menengah Atas لا تخن مانقرا مائك ما سمع بل نظرtolong bantu terjemah kan ke bahasa Indonesia jacquessengerulv – March 05, 2023
Matematika sebuah benda yang di bentuk dari tabung dan kerucut hitung lh luas benda tersebut jacquessengerulv – March 02, 2023